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Advantages of ceramic membrane filtration equipment. Time:2018.01.30

The following are the advantages of ceramic membrane filtration equipment.

1, Thermal stability : the filter material thermal stability of 250 ℃ ten times not to crack;  
2, chemical medium corrosion resistance is superior, all kinds of acid, alkali, salt resistance, resistance to most organic solvents under 70 ℃, tasteless, non-toxic, no foreign body dissolution; Suitable for all kinds of medium filtration;  
3. Good mechanical strength and pore stability, suitable for high pressure medium filtration;  
4. High filtering precision (with the highest filtering accuracy up to 0.1 micron) and filtration speed, good cleaning and regeneration performance, suitable for precise filtration of various media;  
5. Self-cleaning, non-toxic, odorless, with good anti-microbial erosion ability;  
6. High filtration efficiency: the removal rate of suspended matter is over 98%, except that the oil rate reaches 80-95% and the particle size is greater than 0.5.  
7, filtration precision and filtration rate, with the wool stoma of porous medium on average pore diameter and wall thickness, filter pressure difference is related to such factors as the material parameters, through experiments and calculations to determine correctly, can be in 5 to 10 m/s speed of filtration. 

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